Advocating for the health and well-being of our elders


Certified Nurse Care Manager

Louisville, Kentucky
PHONE: 502-553-6651



I had been experiencing extreme back pain for over the past three years. Minimal exercise and even regular daily activity was very challenging for me. The lack of physical movement also caused other issues to my already diminished physical condition. I used to be an avid runner, but my back just did not allow me to continue to partake in the activity that I loved.

I reached out to Margie, who was previously a case manager for my brother in law, and with her vast knowledge, connections to Louisville medical experts, and genuine compassion for a woman just trying to get her life back, she was able to give me excellent professional advice. Most importantly, instead of just accepting my pain as my “new life,” Margie’s encouragement and input regarding doctors and proper physical therapy allowed me to get back to a better place physically, mentally and emotionally.

After 3 months of pain management and physical therapy I am now walking 2 miles every day and am looking to add more. I even have a 4 mile walk in San Diego planned for May.

Thank you Margie. I could not have done it without you!! -Debbie R.