Imagine having someone in your corner
who has the expertise to minimize
hassles and worries, identify the best
solutions for your situation, and save you time and money.

My goal is to achieve for you a high quality of life through assessment,
care planning, implementation and monitoring, and responsiveness.



  • Thorough health and home assessment

  • Develop and execute an individualized care plan

  • Monitor your plan and adjust as needed

  • Liaison and healthcare advocate between you, your family, and healthcare providers

  • Monitor continuity of care administered by all care providers

  • Education, advocacy, training, coaching

  • Crisis intervention 24/7


  • Peace of mind and improved quality of life

  • Enhanced satisfaction with aging life-care choices

  • Your own personal representative and healthcare advocate

  • Controlled medical costs by preventing inappropriate placement, unnecessary hospitalizations, and
    duplication of services

  • Awareness of available community and government resources and services

  • Quality care based on Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for Aging Life-Care Professionals

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"A couple of years ago I didn’t know what to do or where to turn for help but knew my 2 parents (86 and 87 years old at the time) were struggling to live life comfortably and peacefully together in the home where they had lived for over 52 years. My mom had severe memory related issues and it was obvious she had some form of dementia. My dad’s mind was sharp but he had his own medical related issues which left him too physically weak to help adequately take care of my mom. 

I reached out to Margie for help since I knew she had many years of experience in dealing with these types of elderly care issues. Margie came into my parents’ home and completed an in depth analysis and evaluation of them and their living conditions. She was very professional and treated both them with the utmost respect and dignity. It was literally the best thing we could have possibly done at the time for them and for their children. As a result of the evaluation and resulting recommendations from Margie we put a plan in motion that helped my mom get the care she really needed and probably gave my dad 2 more years of life without the stress and pain associated with caring for my mom. I would not hesitate for one second to recommend Margie for any elderly care related issue or concern. She is a real pro." 
- Jeff S., son